Let's face it, some things are best left to the professionals: surgeries, extreme sports, flying planes, and yes, you guessed it, building or renovating a home. It may be tempting to give one of these things a go yourself, but more often than not that attempt just ends with disaster. Thankfully, some people decided to ignore our advice and just further proved us right. Scroll through the article to check out some of the most hilarious cases of bad home designs!
Don't Let Your Eyes Fool You - These Are Steps
If there's one thing that you really shouldn't have in your building, it's an optical illusion. As cool as those things are in controlled environments (as in, from the comfort of your own computer screen), having one inside your apartment or living space is a different story. There's just nothing good that can come out of that. Take this, for instance. We'd be willing to bet our right arm that somebody accidentally fell down these steps.
There's a lesson to be learned here for all aspiring architects and interior designers: make sure your steps are noticeable if you don't feel like paying extra on medical bills.
This Looks Dangerous
White faceplate on a beige outlet? Yeah, that screams "amateur" to us. This is definitely why you always make sure that the contractor you hired for your home improvement project is a licensed professional. Sure, sometimes they cost a bit more, but at least you won't have to deal with the aesthetic and possibly functional nightmares that would follow. Just look at this thing; we'll be seeing it in our worst home improvement dreams.
No, but seriously, this thing is a safety hazard waiting to ruin somebody's day and possibly even life. Why on Earth would anyone put that socket in the middle of a sink?
This Building Look Worse Than Our 8th Grade Literature Papers
Not only does this look like some technophobic person tried to turn a Word document into an apartment building, but it also reminds us of our 8th-grade literature papers. The way all the words were randomly spaced, with no kind of semblance of order to them, does remind us of the way these windows are assorted. Yup, this photo is sending us back to the good old days.
It also looks as though this building were some kind of multi-eyed monster with one, rectangular mouth, split into two parts. But maybe that's just our troubling imagination.
We're Going to Need a Bigger Lamp
If there's one thing this double garage is missing it's a comically enormous lamp. Yeah, this lamp isn't huge enough. We need for this building to have a bigger lamp. That would definitely fix everything wrong with our lives. Okay, seriously now, why would anyone ever design their garage like this? What purpose does that huge lantern even have? How could that possibly benefit anyone? We have absolutely no idea.
That doesn't mean we don't like it, though. We're kind of enamored with this design, but only because it's so goofy. Maybe we should all strive to make our living spaces that much goofier.
Who Are Those Houses for? Elves? Oh, They Are?
So if you're anything like us, you're probably a bit confused as to why on Earth someone would go to the trouble of building these tiny houses everywhere. Well, welcome to Iceland. These tiny houses are actually built for the Huldufolk, mythological creatures that many Icelandic people believe exist. The houses are a place for these elves to seek shelter away from the bothersome presence of actual, existing human beings.
So guess that solves the case of the mysterious tiny Icelandic houses. That's a shame, really. They could have made for a neat Sherlock Holmes novel. Oh well, on to the next mystery.
Holy Mother of Yellow and Green
Okay, this definitely looks as though somebody just accidentally copied and pasted an icon on their desktop one hundred times, and got too lazy to do anything about it, leaving their desktop infested with countless images of the same neon-colored icon. Except this was entirely purposeful, and somebody actually thought that this would make for a good design for a bathroom. Yeah, he should probably think that over.
The thing that gets us the most has got to be the green bathtub. That's just a different breed of travesty. You couldn't pay us enough to take a bath in that.
New Kind of Waterfall Was Just Discovered
Yeah, imagine watching the game from the comfort of your hard-earned stadium seats, which you probably paid an exorbitant amount for, only for the actual stands to collapse above you, and for a stream of water to pour right on your head, effectively drowning you. If there ever were a worst-case scenario, that would have to be it. All the more reason to make sure stadiums are built as they should be.
There just shouldn't be any corner cutting when it comes to building these massive constructions supposed to house thousands of people. No expenses should be spared. If you want to be frugal, you shouldn't build a stadium.
The Bricks Are Wilting
This is just a friendly reminder to always make sure your bricks are watered and are getting a sufficient amount of sunlight. Okay, seriously now, we totally feel for the person who put the bricks in this wall. Sometimes, when you're just totally burnt-out, you've got to say "screw it" and do the least amount of work possible needed to finish the task at hand. We've been there. We've done that.
That being said, a job well done is definitely something to take pride in. We don't want to be going around telling people they should be cutting corners. Wink, wink.
Totally Wheelchair Accessible
What part of "accessible to wheelchairs" did these guys not understand? It's just hilarious how short-sighted some people can be when it comes to these things. Like, sure, they'll go out of their way to make sure the handicapped have their own parking spot. Right next to a totally inaccessible flight of stairs. Umm.. how? Why? Yeah. whoever paid for this should have probably consulted an actual handicapped person beforehand or something.
Or maybe he should have just made sure whoever was painting the handicapped parking spot knew what wheelchair accessibility actually meant. That way, this farcical blunder could have been avoided.
Who Said Architecture Had to Be Boring?
We'd never thought we would be privileged enough to witness two adult buildings going at it like this (with consent, of course). Okay, seriously now: what kind of juvenile architect designed these buildings? This has got to be one of the funniest and most childish designs for a building we've ever seen. We wonder if whoever thought this up thinks it was worth the money. If you ask us, it definitely is.
There is one thing kind of unsettling about this design, though, and that's the fact that one of these buildings is incredibly human-like, while the other one kind of looks like an animal. Just saying.
Did Salvador Dali Design This House?
Okay, this is one of those buildings that look like a total hell to actually live in, but they do make for some really cool pictures. Just look at this thing; it's crumbling, almost falling over, almost shattering under its own weight. It's kind of poetic. Not only that but it's also made out of a random assortment of things. This definitely looks like something that belongs in a museum.
You know what they say, one man's junk is another man's treasure, we guess. That's a phrase that certainly suits this building. We're just not sure if it's our trash or our treasure.
Is This Some Kind of Forward Thinking Torture Room?
Oh heavens. This may be the whitest thing we've ever seen. It's definitely the whitest room we've ever seen. It's like this room was projected onto reality by a 6-year-old's vision of the future. We're pretty sure you could go blind just sitting there with all that light getting reflected off the white surfaces. At least they did us the courtesy of adding a few plants there. Not sure if they're helping, though.
Well, we guess the room could be worse. Imagine if all those trees were white as well. That would make the whole place look like a psych ward or something.
That 50s Diner Aesthetic
Look, we're going to be brutally honest right here: we see absolutely nothing wrong with this design. Is it abrasive? Sure. Is it colorful ad nauseam? Perhaps it is. Is it kind of weird to model a bathroom after a 1950s diner aesthetic? Yes, it is weird, and it does cross a certain taboo, conceptually meshing together eating and relieving yourself. A taboo that should usually never be broken. Usually.
We're not quite sure what the deal is with this bathroom, but somehow it makes it all work. If we were to go to a bar and see this, we would be totally delighted.
Guess Size Does Matter
We don't want to go around shaming anyone about their size, but we really think an extra inch or two could have done a lot here. Like, a lot. Imagine how annoying it would be to live with this sink. Every time you would go to wash your hands you'd have to clean the surrounding shelf and possibly even the bathroom floor if the water managed to drizzle all the way down there.
The most annoying thing about this sink predicament is just how easily it could have been avoided, and how obvious the solution was: just make the thing a tiny bit longer!
Nice Window
Yeah, that's sure to let the light in. Nothing like a nice, big, spacious window to make your room feel that much more natural. There really isn't anything quite as refreshing as letting a little bit of sunlight into your apartment. That is, probably, what the person who designed this room had thought to himself. He also, we can only assume, was on quite the budget, because that window is pitiful.
Seriously we've never seen such a sorry-looking window, and trust us, we've seen quite a lot of windows in our day. Why would they even bother making this thing?
That's Not How Waterslides Work
We are not sure who needs to hear this, but we'll just go ahead and say it anyway: they're called waterslides, not water stairs. In other words, people need to be able to slide down water slides. If you have a bunch of steps inside the waterslide, people aren't going to be able to slide down the waterslide. It really isn't that difficult. It is not rocket science. It's just a waterslide.
You'd think that a person who's building a full-blown waterpark would understand the basic concept of a waterslide, but apparently not. Maybe that's just too much to ask of a waterpark designer.
Great for Ventilation
This is definitely one of those cases in which just looking at the building has got us scratching our heads all confused and disoriented. We can only imagine what it must be like to live inside one of those buildings. What are the walls like? Do the neighbors see each other through those windows? Are they close enough to shake hands? Do they get along? We have so many questions.
When you're living in a building like this, you might as well be living with another roommate you didn't sign up for. Like, there's no way these people have their privacy.
This Actually Seems Comfy to Us
Say what you want to say about us, but we cannot deny that this bathroom definitely has some kind of charm to it. Maybe we're just way too comfortable with small spaces or something, like some perverse case of anti-claustrophobia. We will be the first to admit, however, that the small shower in which you have to sit in order to actually wash yourself could be somewhat of a problem.
We just love the wooden aesthetic of this thing. It looks so comfy and inviting. And it could work as a dog shower!
It's Like They Fused Together an Exotic Retreat and A Prison
This is what you would get if a maximum-security prison fortified with the most recent developments in prison technology were to have a baby with a nice, pastoral retreat. Another way of looking at this peculiar design choice is to think of those small cubicles as huge microwaves. That works too. Either way, those things definitely look like regular cabins. They also don't look very welcoming or fun to live in.
The thing is, is that these cubicles could have been made to look that much nicer if only the person who designed them had painted them a different, more sympathetic color.
Why Does This House Look Like Our Grandpa?
Is it just us, or does this house look just like our grandpa? Now, we know that you have absolutely no clue what our grandfather looks like but just roll with us for a second. This house definitely seems as if it's got that elderly mustache that so many grandparents just tend to grow out for some reason. We wonder what that's all about. Why do elderly men love mustaches so much?
Either way, this house definitely seems inviting, welcoming, and comforting. Just like our grandparents' house was. Perhaps this design choice wasn't so bad after all, even if it is a little goofy.
This Is Messing With Our Heads
What's up with these stairs? What kind of madman would design them like this? Why would anybody make a rail bar used for a staircase that would go all the way down to the floor, where the stairs are no more. Seriously, this kind of design makes us wonder if the person who made this had ever used stairs. Like, how far off can you get? Quite far, as it turns out.
We'll be honest, these stairs make our skin crawl. It's poor design choices such as this that get us really scared. There's nothing more terrifying than a poorly constructed living quarters.
Behold: The World's Smallest Slide
There is no baby small enough to actually be able to enjoy this. We're pretty sure that every single human being in existence would deem this slide to be too small. In fact, this slide is so unessecarily small, that it seems as though it were created that way on purpose. It's almost as if this were some kind of piece of concept art, something that people could see and admire.
Maybe the person who made this slide is in the wrong trade. He probably should have tried making this slide for a museum or an art gallery. That's where this piece belongs.
How Does This Even Happen
Some things in life beg an explanation. A miniature castle building built on the grounds of the roof of a classic, suburban household in America, definitely fits the mold of things that require an explanation. Like, seriously, how did they even build this thing? The proportions are so weird, and it seems as though the castle building is about to come crashing down to the concrete any second now. Hopefully, that won't happen.
But, if we were these guys, we would probably park our cars away from that piece of pending doom up on the rooftop. You know, just to be on the safe side.
Got to Love That Murderous Cabin Chic
If there's one aesthetic that is severely underappreciated in this world it's the murderous cabin aesthetic. You know, the "going on a road trip with our friends only for our car to suddenly and mysteriously breaks down in the middle of nowhere such that we're forced to pull over and search the nearby woods at night for help and perhaps shelter from the hazards of the night" kind of aesthetic.
Seriously, if this design doesn't scream "there are dead bodies around here somewhere" to you, then you should probably go and get your intuition checked before you find yourself in a cabin much like this.
This Is Like an Unfinished Puzzle
This house definitely looks like one of those puzzles made out of a billion different pieces that some sadistic person at the toy store convinced your parents were fun. Truth be told, those puzzles were grueling. Totally brutal. We never finished them, too. That's maybe why this house looks like them: it looks as though it were made out of puzzle pieces that don't fit each other. No offense to whoever made it.
Also, what's going on with those windows? Why did they come in every shape known to man? Was the main inspiration behind this house some kind of experimental geometry textbook?
Contractor: "Pool or Garage? " House Owner: "Both. "
This is one of those cases of somebody trying to have his cake and eat it, too. Unfortunately, the restrictions of space are universal and bind us all, and no amount of wishful thinking will be able to mend the basic constraints of space. That means that if you don't have enough room for both a pool and a garage, then you just won't be able to have them both. Unfortunate.
That's something this homeowner refused to accept, though. He tried to have both a pool and a garage. We're not sure how he's going to access that garage, but good luck to him.
Got to Work For It
This is just terrible. It's so horrific in so many different and disparate ways that we're not even sure where to start with this one. First things first, why would you put a urinal so up high when you could put it down at ground level with all the other urinals? Secondly, we think forcing people who need to pee into climbing up a bouldering course is a bad idea and a great way to get people to wet themselves.
Last of all, we think it's horrendous and totally unsanitary to have people who are touching their private parts use the same handlebars before they even get the chance to wash their hands.
So Is This Where Johnny Cash Lived?
Get it? Because he fell into a ring of fire? You know, like the song? No? Ahh, never mind. Forget we even mentioned it. Putting our horrendous taste in jokes about classic folk artists aside, we do haev to admit that this is a terrible idea. Like, why would you put a fireplace next to a trampoline? What are the pros of such a design choice? There are only cons in sight.
We swear that rich people have some of the most deplorable tastes in the world. It's like the money got to their head and made them forget about everything else.
This Guy Was Like: "Forget About Safety"
Whoever built these "stairs" (if you can even call them stairs) definitely has a death wish. Either that or he has some very elaborate plan to kill some kind of houseguest for some unknown reason. If somebody with this staircase ever invited us to his home, we would politely decline and then promptly skip town, just on the off chance that his invitation was some kind of poorly conceived assassination attempt.
Safety hazards aside, though, we do have to admit that this staircase is pretty baller. It looks graceful, sleek, and modern. It's very pretty. Too bad it could kill us.
No, Please. No More of That
This is giving us some very unwanted flashbacks to our days in crummy and crumbling apartments we could barely afford. It's crazy how some landlords have such little shame that they actually rent out these horrendous apartments for people to live in as if they would ever live in one of these themselves. The only thing that makes this photo bearable is that the toilet seems to actually be working.
If there's one word of advice we could put out there to the world, it would have to be this: you shouldn't settle for a really crappy apartment if you absolutely don't have to.
Ran Out of Paint?
So there's only one possible explanation as to what on Earth happened to this house, and it's probably that whoever was painting the house ran out of paint. Or perhaps, the homeowners ran out of money to buy the painter his paint, thereby leaving this house partly unpainted. We're usually all for groovy color schemes, but we do think that this just kind of looks weird. It's disorienting, to say the least.
At least they decorated the front porch. Although this house has a weird paint job, it does look kind of weird. Oh well, guess nothing in life is truly perfect.
Interesting Design Choice to Say the Least
We're not ones to make authoritative decisions regarding what constitutes poor taste, but we will just say this: the cupboards are upside down. Like, not functionally, they're upright, but in terms of the actual material, the wood is facing the wrong way. This looks like the inside of countless Ikea furniture pieces we've had the displeasure of building. We're not sure what the people who constructed this kitchen were thinking.
Something about the design just makes the kitchen feel menacing and unwelcoming. It's like would be scared that a piece of wood would suddenly detach and get in our eye or something like that.
Imagine Opening One of Those Doors
You'd get ravaged by a dish avalanche. Whoever designed this kitchen had absolutely no concern for the residents of this home's safety. Like, absolutely none. There's just no way whoever lived in this house hasn't had his face smacked by a pile of clean dishes. We're willing to bet that it happens monthly at the least. This is exactly why you hire licensed professionals to do these things for you.
That is, if you can afford it. Otherwise, you're probably going to have to learn to build a kitchen, or just make do with dish avalanches every month or something.
Awkward Spaces? Stuff Them With Plants
If you ever run into a little bit of an architectural conundrum and you find that your living quarters are filled to the brim with awkward spaces you have no idea what to do with, you should think about investing in a plant or, perhaps, fi thirty plants. Truth be told, we do kind of like this design, but we see why it could aggravate some other people who are less fond of the color white.
This whole rooms is kind of like a riddle, an architectural riddle, if you will. It's like it's challenging us to make it better. It really makes you think: what would I do to this room to make it better?
We Need the Backstory on This One
There's just no telling what on Earth went on with this door thing. Like, what is that small little ditch in the floor for? Was this some kind of staircase back in the day, now repurposed as a door? Did they run into some issues leveling the floors? Like, what would drive a man to make this atrocious design decision? Perhaps some things are best left to the imagination.
There is one other thing that kind of bugs us about this picture, and that's the other door there to the right. Can they be opened at the same time?