We're all for artistic self-expression and crafting home decor, but these photos have us doubting whether the DIY life is really for everybody. These people gave it their all, from handmade clothes and furniture to knitted accessories, but the hilarious final products still left plenty to be desired. So keep scrolling for some laughs and inspiration on what not to do when working on a do-it-yourself project.
Just 3 of the 600 Dolls This Person Has Knitted
It's not every day that you come across something that's both sweet and highly disturbing. But this is definitely one of those cases. This kind old lady thought of an awesome project to help people in her community- knitting crocheted dolls to sell for charity - but there's just something about these dolls that doesn't seem right. We can't figure out what it is, but for some reason, these aren't exactly comforting.
Could it be the lifeless eyes that make us feel that way? Maybe the disproportionate arms and hands? Either way, we don't think we'll be buying one.
Gardening in Your Car? Doesn't Seem Dangerous at All
For some people, their car is an extension of their clothes and a fashion and lifestyle statement. This is why you can often spot new, strange car accessories trying to be cool yet stay original. But some car decor ideas are best left unexplored. For example, even if you've got an empty dashboard, a green thumb, and loads of time on your hands, we wouldn't suggest trying out this new "cardening" (car plus gardening) trend.
Yes, this all looks nice. And, yes, there probably is a way to secure all of that material down. But, if the airbag goes off, you're in a world of trouble.
Caution: These Masks Are Not CDC-Approved
A few years ago, everyone was scrambling to figure out where to acquire medical masks. Some people were lucky enough to buy them in stores or had family members in the medical profession who could help. But other people got stuck trying DIY solutions like the one below. This life hack claims to be able to help you make a mask out of a bra, but all we see are some ruined unmentionables.
These masks don't seem to fit anyone except the woman in the original image. We love that everyone was willing to try this out, but we also hope they found another place to get their masks.
When the Dental Assistants Get Bored
Are you unsure what you see below? Oh, it's just an angel statue made entirely of latex gloves. Can you believe that? It looks like there must be some type of figurine inside there, but we swear, it's all air! We can't imagine anyone using this piece of arts and crafts as a permanent fixture in their homes, but this would be a cool party trick to break out.
It looks like this person went through quite a few pairs of gloves to finish this statue, and the result is pretty impressive.
Giving Her Undergarments a New Purpose
We all know that reusing, reducing, and recycling is crucial to keeping the Earth clean. And that's why many eco-friendly people like to give their old clothes a new life by turning them into something else — for example, turning an outdated dress into a two-piece matching set. But the kind of refashioning the DIYer below engaged in is one we've never seen before: she turned a pair of underwear into a crop top.
To be fair, it actually looks to be working quite well. Still, we don't think we'll be trying this outfit out anytime soon.
Eyelashes Made of "jumbo Flying Roach Legs" Because Regular Roaches Wouldn't Do
When websites like Etsy started coming out, it gave creators the opportunity to share their hard work with the world. Now, you can find all kinds of different specialties and niche products online to purchase whatever your heart desires. Still, for some of these creators, it might be good to remember that they have to make something the public will actually desire. Not, you know, giant eyelashes made out of massive cockroach legs.
Not only can we not figure out what motivated this person to do this, but we've also got trouble with the execution - we wish the roach eyelash pair were at least symmetrical.
Got Lint in Your Drying Machine? Make a DIY Sweater
Dryer lint can be highly flammable, so it's always a good idea to clean it out and keep your dryer safe. But keeping your home fire-free isn't the only benefit of removing all that lint - some clever craftsmen on the internet saw just how much dryer lint they were making and realized they could create something with it. And so the dryer lint sweater was born! It's itchy, unwashable, and constantly falling apart. But at least it looks cool, right?
We take that back. Looking at it now, we think we'd have difficulty pulling it off.
China Cabinets Are so Last Year
One of the most fun parts of moving into a new home is the process of finding space to display your prized possessions. Whether it's pictures on the mantle, collector items on the shelves, or a nice set of fine China, you want the perfect place to show off your treasure. That's why even though this contraption might be keeping things safe, we still think this person needs to find a new solution - this DIY shelving unit is just not doing their dishes justice.
And honestly, despite the styrofoam insulation, it looks like if this thing were to fall over, everything would break. Can't you just imagine going to grab a coffee mug, having it get stuck, and breaking every single other one of your plates, cups, and bowls when you try to grab it again?
Just When We Thought Public Restrooms Couldn't Get Worse
If you're dealing with an outhouse in the wintertime, chances are you will have a hard time sitting down on the toilet. That seat can get so cold over the winter months that it'll sometimes feel like you're sitting on a block of ice. This person thought of a solution, but we can't tell if it's helpful. This knitted toilet seat might keep your buns warm, but the germ factor makes us squeamish. Plus, this isn't even an outhouse, so what was the point?
We just can't imagine there's a good way to clean this seat. It must get wet and soggy every time someone flushes.
Why Have an Old Door When It Could Be an Impractical Table Instead?
There's an old trend in interior design where a contractor will take something old from one part of the house and utilize it elsewhere. It gives the home a nice, charming feeling. And the good news is, any home improvement enthusiast can take on a project like that on their own! The only caveat is that they will need to be a little more skillful than the person who created this product because this thing is just impractical.
This person could've done anything with this old door, and they decided to make a table. The problem is that the surface isn't flat, the plane isn't level, and the legs look uneven. We won't be eating our meals on that.
A Homemade Baby Bonsai Tree (literally)
If you're looking to spruce up your home with a quick and easy project, adding some plants to your home is a great option. Even if you don't have a green thumb, plants like cacti and succulents don't need much care and will automatically brighten your space. A baby bonsai tree is another great way to brighten the room, although these require more attention. You could also go for option number three: make your own baby bonsai tree out of plastic babies.
These bags of babies are available online in giant bags for really cheap. So, that plus some super glue, and you've got a new house decoration!
The Most Unnecessary DIY Ever
If you're a homeowner who rents out a room to tenants, chances are you've had a guest or two who weren't so respectful of your home. In this case, the landlord went through all this trouble to hang up a new curtain rod so the tenant would have some privacy. But how did the tenant repay the landlord? They went ahead and nailed the curtains into the wall, so you can't even pull them back and let light in!
We really can't tell what this person was thinking. They probably lost a bunch of their security deposit, too, for putting all those wildly unnecessary holes in the wall.
We Have a Feeling This DIYer Isn't Actually a Bookworm
Sometimes, when people go through the trouble of upcycling household items, it works out great! We've seen some incredible DIY home improvement projects that only require materials you already have in your home. This project below is one of those, but it's not exactly a project that we'd recommend. It's a simple enough concept: take old books and shove knives in them to pretend it's a knife block, effectively ruining your books and dirtying your knives.
We can't tell if this is more disrespectful to the books or the knives. Also, that thing takes up way too much space, so it isn't really helping declutter your kitchen.
Those Sneakers Were in Perfectly Good Condition
This is one of those projects we have a hard time dealing with. And yes, it has everything to do with our love for Converse sneakers. Growing up, they were a coveted item that came around as a holiday gift. So we never imagined someone out there would have so many Converse lying around that they have no problem just tearing them apart and turning them into a top.
She certainly did a great job with the tailoring - we just can't believe someone turned perfectly good shoes into a crop top.
The Department of Parks and Recreation Didn't Love This One
It's so frustrating when you take your kids to the park, and every single swing on the swingset is being used. You have to sit and wait and find a way to entertain your little one until they can do what they really want to do. But if the swings had more seats, maybe that wouldn't be an issue! With this clever hack, you can turn any 4-seat swingset into a 16-seat dining room!
We don't actually think this would be a comfortable or fun place to eat. But it looks like some kids decided to play a little prank and hang these benches up, and we're glad someone took a picture before the city came and took them down.
Not to Damper Their Christmas Joy, but This Is a Waste of Spaghetti
The holiday season is a tough time for many people, and everyone has their way of dealing with holiday stress. For this person, it was creating DIY Christmas tree ornaments. And she was so proud of the result that she decided to sell them around her neighborhood. How sweet, right? We thought so, too, until we learned that the ornaments were made of cooked spaghetti and red sauce, which would start rotting before Christmas was even over.
They labeled these as "Italian ornaments," but we're not sure Italians would approve of this being done to their spaghetti.
A Cat Bed Made From Someone's Old Dreadlocks
We looked at this image for a long while before we figured out what it is, so don't kick yourself if you don't have it figured out yet. That big spiral pile on the screen is a mass of dreadlocks. Some guy decided to cut them off after several years, and his mother decided to take that opportunity and turn his old dreads into a cat bed. Now, he'll always have a cherished reminder of his long-haired days.
We just have one question: what does the cat think about this?
Please Tell Us That Isn't Real Jello
Here we've got an example of someone taking a perfectly ordinary food item and turning it into a really extraordinarily strange piece of furniture. Alright, we lied about one part: jello like this is not a perfectly ordinary food item, but the home accessory is inarguably extraordinary. The way that the light in this jello lamp shines through the areas without vegetables is pretty neat.
You could probably make something like this yourself. Just make sure to use fake vegetables so that the inside of your lamp doesn't start to mold.
Perfect for When You Want to Creep Out Your Guests
If you're throwing a Halloween party but running out of ways to make your home spookier, we might have a recommendation for you. Just pick up a pack of these doll head straws – or grab a drill and make your own! In no time, your guests will be enjoying their beverages through a tube that passes through the inside of a Barbie doll's head, which will definitely make your party stand out!
Just make sure to take the hair off the Barbies, as this person did. You wouldn't want that getting in someone's drink!
When Your Aesthetic Is "farm Cow Chic"
We love when people are willing to use their DIY fashion projects to tell us about themselves. In this case, this girl is probably saying: "Moo!" We're mostly joking, although we do find it funny that this girl tagged herself like a dairy farm cow. Maybe the number on the tag has some special meaning for her, or she just really loves the color yellow.
We wonder how all the cows would react if she walked by a field with one of these on. Would they accept her?
How to Ruin a Priceless Antique in Just Minutes
Singer sewing machines are known for their durability. Unfortunately, however, because they're such recognizable pieces of antique furniture, hobby enthusiasts often use them for ridiculous DIY projects that destroy the value of the sewing machine. This picture below is no exception to that rule, where someone decided to drill a hole and run electric wires to turn a Singer sewing machine into a lamp.
They at least could've put a shade on it or something.
That's One Way to Offend the Artists
If you're trying to find a craft project but are not the most crafty individual, maybe you can try what this person did. They took old pieces of artwork depicting portraits of different people, then painted a monotone band of color across the bottom of the portraits. In doing so, they made all these pictures look like loading screens, which may be less beautiful than the original image, but it is cool.
If you're planning on doing something like this, maybe use some cheap prints from the big box store instead of actual art pieces.
They Could Have at Least Chosen a Different Paint Color
We can't for the life of us understand what these hotel designers were thinking with this paint job. It looks like a DIY finger painting lesson gone wrong after one of the kids gets into their sibling's dirty diaper. At first, we thought this was dirt smeared on the wall, but then we realized the pattern keeps going and repeating in the background. We hope these people didn't pay too much for this.
If we were running this hotel, the first order of business would be to repaint these walls. What kind of images are we trying to evoke for our guests, anyway?
He Turned His Uncle's Skeleton Into a Working Guitar
This almost looks like one of those clickbait articles you see around the internet that tries to suck you in with a false story, but this one is as real as could be. This guy actually decided to build a fully functional electric guitar out of his uncle's skeleton. Apparently, the uncle was the one who got this guy into heavy metal music, and as a way to repay him, the nephew decided to let his uncle keep shredding.
You can read more about this ridiculous project online, but we wouldn't suggest trying it yourself. The quality of a skeleton-based guitar doesn't compare to the hassle it takes to build one.
Perfect for Those Who Want an Intellectual Aesthetic but Secretly Hate Books
We never understand why some people feel the need to prove their intelligence all the time. In this case, the person's not even proving their intelligence but masquerading as intelligent instead. They've decided to build an entire library in their home, but to keep it from taking up space, they've only kept the end caps of the books on the shelf. The rest– including the text– has all been ruined.
This is such a waste of books and a waste of space. If you're not a reader, you don't need to pretend to keep a library. Just get a comfortable chair and television instead.
One Question: How Do You Plan on Changing the Batteries?
At first, we were like, "Hey, this guy might be onto something!" We're always losing our TV remotes, and with all the different ones we have to use, it's frustrating when you can't find the right one. Still, after we thought about it for a minute, we realized this DIY remote hack wouldn't help anybody out. You must scrap the whole project when the batteries run out on one remote.
Another danger of doing this yourself is that you may get some glue over the sensor at the end of the remote. Then, whether it's connected to the others or not, it's simply not going to work.
That's One Way to Reuse, Reduce, Recycle
We love the fact that the world is becoming more conscious of the dangerous levels of plastic that we all produce and use. If we don't get our wasteful ways in order soon, our landfills will continue to expand. Thankfully, this person decided to do something useful with their extra plastic bottles. They went ahead and created this beautiful, comfortable, one-of-a-kind couch! Take a peek at it yourself and see what we're talking about.
Can you imagine the noise this couch must make when you sit down on it? There would be no way to shift your weight without causing a ruckus.
No Nails, No Problem
If you're not willing to pay a premium for wifi, chances are you could wind up with a pretty bad package. There's nothing more frustrating than when the wifi at home isn't working too, so everyone needs to find a workaround for these situations. Thankfully, this British man had a brilliant DIY solution to his slow-connection issues. He pinned the router up with a dart, and after that, he never had to worry about wifi again.
We want to imagine that the router was falling, and he threw the dart to catch it. But it's much more likely that he just hung it up to get better service.
Is This Technically an Outhouse or an Inhouse?
If you grew up in the countryside, you might be familiar with the concept of an outhouse toilet. Still, most people prefer to get themselves indoor plumbing when they get the chance, and the outhouse tradition is quickly fading away from memory. For some reason, though, some people want that tradition to stick around. They want it to stick so much that they're building outhouses inside their homes!
You just can't make this stuff up. That bathroom looks very nice, too, so we have a feeling this wall just makes it feel smaller. So, next time we're doing some renovations, maybe let's abandon the outhouse concept.
These Plant Hacks Are Getting Out of Hand
We've heard of killing two birds with one stone but never ruining two household items with one terrible DIY project. In this case, this woman decided to take a beautiful antique doll and cut its face off. Then, she filled the head up with dirt and put it in a large plant. Here's the issue with that: the plant will die, and the doll will rot. It is a lose-lose situation.
You can't put a quickly growing plant in such a small container where it cannot put down roots. You also can't pour water into a cloth doll like that and expect it not to mildew.
Caution: This Before and After May Cause Dizziness
There's a reason that people tie-dye with gloves on. That ink is incredibly dense and can stain your hands in a heartbeat. That's also why they don't suggest using tie-dye on other projects, but some people just can't be stopped. This couple decided to do it with their daughter's bedroom floor and were shocked at the results. We have to say, though, we were shocked too. We expected it to be much worse!
With all of that being said, we're worried about what this family is going to find once they lift that carpet up. They probably got ink stains all over the underlying floor.
When You Don't Want to Take Bathroom Breaks at Your Wedding
When we first saw this image, we were pretty shocked. It just seemed like the most ridiculous thing to do and a total waste of time. But after we watched the video of this YouTuber trying this out, we were actually pretty impressed! It's not a project that we're going to be trying anytime soon. However, we have to give her credit for all the work it took to sew and reshape those diapers!
She did end up creating a gorgeous wedding dress, but we wouldn't recommend this DIY project to anyone that's not an expert.
So That's What the Tooth Fairy Does With All Our Teeth
Whenever a creator uses human body parts with a piece of artwork, we get a little worried. Whether it's hair, bones, or teeth, something tells us that these pieces should return where they belong instead of coming into our homes. That's why we definitely won't be picking up this Harry Potter doll and definitely won't be making one of our own, either. This is ruining the movies and our teeth for us.
We just can't understand what would motivate someone to do this. We also can't really understand how the teeth are staying on his head. Is it just glue? They look embedded.
This Piercing Serves Multiple Purposes
We're all for freedom of expression, but some body modifications are too much for us. In this case, this person got an erl piercing (the bridge of the nose), but they replaced the typical hook with a crazy, keyholed pipe instead. This allows them to screw their glasses into the piercing and keep them without a frame. But, then, to take the glasses off, you have to unscrew them all over again.
First of all, we feel like this would hurt. Second, if you have to be screwing and unscrewing your glasses constantly, don't you think you'll lose one of those little screws?
How to Turn Your Old Jeans Into a Robber's Mask
We love when an article of clothing has the range to be multiple articles at once. We'll give you an example: the skort. It's a skirt; it's a pair of shorts, it's amazing! Well, here we'd like to introduce you to the totally useful jeans-mask. That's right, the jeans-mask. It's a pair of jeans with some extra cloth stuck at the bottom of one leg, and you can use them as pants or as a robber's mask!
The one problem we're having with this article of clothing is that it cannot do both of its tasks at once. It can only be pants or a mask at all times, which is a little disappointing.
Your Glasses Will Just Need a New Home
What's more frustrating, when your food goes bad or when you lose something? If you answer the former, this life hack is for you. By using an old glasses case, you can keep bags of chips and sweets closed to stop air from getting in and stop the food from getting stale. But, if you answered the latter, you don't want to do this at all. You're just going to wind up losing your glasses.
They actually make great clips that serve this exact purpose, and they're available for cheap all over the place. Glasses cases, on the other hand, are expensive, so we don't quite understand this one.
A 20-Year-Old Trophy Hot Dog
Everyone remembers when they discovered the wonders of epoxy. That magical liquid seems like it could preserve anything, and for the most part, it can. However, over time, the things that you've placed inside epoxy will still deteriorate. In this case, someone decided to show off the hot dog-eating trophy they'd won twenty years prior, with an actual hot dog epoxied inside. The result? This monstrosity of decay.
That hot dog is so rotten; we're afraid that opening that epoxy would release never-before-seen diseases into the atmosphere. Also, we're glad this guy is so proud of himself, but maybe next time, the trophy should just be a t-shirt.
How to DIY Your Own Choking Hazards
Some people just love to decorate. Especially if a person has a specific style, chances are everything around them is going to start looking like that style. So, if you're a pink and bedazzled kind of person, you might wind up with some pink and bedazzled kitchen utensils. Let us just tell you why that might be a bad idea– the bedazzling is going to fall off in your food!
We love that this person is also trying to sell these spoons. Anybody could easily make these with some craft beads and hot glue. But, again, no one should ever be cooking with something like this.
This One Left Us Speechless
When we were little, we loved playing with Play-Doh. But, we have to admit, we weren't as skilled with the medium as some of our friends. In the picture down below, you see someone who graduated from Play-Doh to real clay and is now making some incredible sculptures with it! She even created this replica of her own ear and decided to wear it as an earring!
We wish there was a little more detail on those sapphire beads in the clay version, but this is still such a cool project. Does anyone think they could make a better replica of their own ear?
A One-Of-A-Kind Mirror
It really rubs us the wrong way when we see people trying to sell things on social media but misleading people as to what they're actually selling. Here, these people are offering a special, one-of-a-kind, unique, and artsy mirror for a whole $65. Here are the two problems: that's a very, very cheap mirror, and the only thing that makes it unique, artsy, or one-of-a-kind, is that it's covered in insulation foam.
We appreciate the effort here, but there are better ways to make money. Besides, if these people want to start flipping furniture, they should start with something dependable like desks.