Avoid Spending a Fortune on Sprinklers With This DIY
Sprinklers are notoriously expensive. We're not quite sure what about an easy-to-make water-spraying gadget merits such a high price tag, but we do know that people spend gross amounts of cash on sprinklers. What strikes us the most about these high pricetags is just how easy it is to make these babies on your own. Really, even the most DIY-challenged people should be able to manage this garden improvement project.

It's simple, really: just grab an empty water bottle, puncture it a bit, and stick it to the end of your hose. Voila, there you have it: your very own state-of-the-art sprinkler.
Never Get Feet Blisters Again
Okay, so this is one of those tips that will seem deranged and ridiculous at first, but, on second thought, it might be precisely what you've needed all of your life. Think about the number of blisters and burns you've amassed over the years while walking around barefooted in the summer or in bad, uncomfortable shoes. Now, imagine if you could just prevent all those blisters altogether. Wouldn't that be great?
Well, that's exactly what the tape is for. Just wrap any sensitive areas before you stick your feet into those shoes you haven't broken in yet, and there you go. Your feet will thank you.
Make a Floating Cooler With Dollar-Store Supplies
Perhaps a mobile cooler that you could have floating around you as you splish and splash in your home pool is all that you're missing in life. Cut up a pool noodle into the width and length of a plastic container - that will function as the base of your cooler. Place the pool noodles around the container and thread rope through the holes of your pool noodle. Then make sure it's all tied up and secure around the plastic container of your choice.
If you feel your creation isn't held together well enough, try super-gluing the pool noodle onto the container. Now just add a bit of ice and a few drinks, and have fun in the sun!
A DIY Air Conditioner That Actually Works
Is your air conditioner broken or just doesn't exist? We've got good news: it's possible to build your own air conditioning unit. These bad boys won't be as good as your industrial-grade air conditioners, but they'll make do in desperate situations. Take a 5-gallon-bucket (with a lid), puncture a hole on the top big enough to fit the front of a fan, and then drill holes around the bucket to let the airflow in and out.
Line the bucket with some netting or mesh, place ice inside of the bucket and cover it with the lid and fan. Turn the fan on, and voilà!
Trap Pesky Fruit Flies Using Apple Cider Vinegar
It is a bit ironic that a fruit-related product could so repel a creature that goes by the name of fruit fly, but you should never underestimate the power of apple cider vinegar. So, the next time those pesky flies start getting all in your face, whip out the apple cider vinegar. Using the almighty product, you can trap fruit flies come summertime. Just fill a bowl or container with apple cider vinegar, cover it with plastic wrap, and punch a few small holes.
This will lure in and keep the fruit files right inside your diabolical trap.
Discourage Thieves by Wrapping Your Things in a Diaper
Backpacks, bags, and purses are a vast industry: all of us own at least one of these. And those of us who love going to the beach or the pool might even have a special bag for those occasions. The trouble is that thieves at the beach and public pool love our bags, too. So we've come up with the next big thing: diaper bags. Wait, just hear us out for a second; it isn't as bad as it sounds.
There is some kind of practical value to this: diapers make for great beach bags. They'll keep your belongings sand-free as you soak up the sun and discourage anyone from stealing your wallet since they think it's just a (potentially dirty) diaper.
Perfect Your Hotdog Game by Cutting Little Slits
Look, we're not chefs. We don't know how to cook the world's greatest Beef Bourguignon or cut onions in the most pragmatic and effective way possible, but we know a thing or two about grilling sausages. What could we know about grilling sausages, you ask? Well, here's one thing we don't mind sharing: spiraling your hot dogs by cutting little slits in them is a great idea.
"Why," you ask? Well, that's because the little slits make for great "pockets" where you can stuff all kinds of toppings. When done right, this can upgrade your hot dog game.
The Perfect Cover for Your Blow-Up Pool Is Already in Your Home
There's only one thing wrong with blow-up pools, and that's the fact that you have to blow them up each time, which sucks. It just takes so much precious time that you could have spent splish-splashing inside your pool. The problem is that blow-up pools don't come with any cleaning mechanisms built into them. That's why you can't just leave them as they are when you're done with them for the day.

That is unless you make your own makeshift pool cover out of a fitted bed sheet, thereby safeguarding the cleanliness of your blow-up pool. It's a neat solution if you ask us.
Why You Should Only Fill up Bottles Halfway Before Freezing Them
Anyone with some sort of penchant for experimentation has probably tried filling up a bottle with water and then tossing it into the freezer for a while in an effort to make themselves some nice, ice-cold water for hot summer days. The problem with this ice-water trick is that you must wait for all the ice to melt before you get to drink the water, and that sucks sometimes.

Instead, you could fill up those bottles only halfway before sticking them in the freezer. Then, pour regular, room-temperature - or cold - water into the bottle when you feel like drinking.
A Trick for Finding That Tiny Hole Ruining Your Float
We love pool floats. We truly do. The only thing better than lounging around all day in a pool is doing the same thing but with a pool float by your side. There's only one thing wrong with these otherwise perfect pieces of pool gadgets: they are quite fragile. Floats get punctured pretty easily, and it's surprisingly hard to mend them, given just how difficult it is to find where your float got hit.
Thankfully, there's a solution for that. Just take a spray bottle of soapy water and spray an area on your floats. Rub the spray a bit, and check for any bubbles popping up. The bubbles will help you find the hole!
Make a Chip Bowl Using the Bag Itself
If there's one thing we believe we could all improve on, it has got to be our snack game. For example, why are we still buying and using snack bowls? Like, what sense does that even make? The snacks don't taste better in the bowl, effectively making the thing a waste of money and time spent washing the bowl when you're done snacking. So, we propose an alternative: how about we start making bowls out of the snack bags?
There are three steps to this: First, open the package. Then, grab the bag by its bottom corners and tuck them in. You now have a base for the bag to sit on. Finally, roll it up from the bottom so that all the chips rise to the top and are easy to reach.
Prevent Bleached Hair From Turning Green With Kool-Aid
We all know that swimming is a risky business. There are many things that could go wrong while swimming, and some of these things are deadlier than others. On the fatal side of the spectrum is the prospect of drowning, but there's a problem just as bothersome for a niche group of people: having your bleached hair miraculously (or, should we say, tragically) turn green all of a sudden.
What's behind this unwarranted transformation is none other than science: apparently, bleached blonde hair has a specific chemical reaction to the chloride present in many swimming pools, turning it green. To combat this, try smearing Kool-Aid on your head!
Say Bye, Bye to Sweat Stains
Are you finding it difficult to conceal your pit stains in this day and age? Yawn. You can't be serious. Sweating is so out these days. "But what can I do about it? That's just how I am; I can't help but walk around with pit stains all summer." Well, you may be naturally inclined to sweat, but there's still something you could do about those stains all over your shirt.

So, summer sweaters, hear us out: try attaching panty liners to the inside of your shirt. They'll absorb your sweat and keep your shirt nice, clean, pristine, and sweat-stain-free.
Baby Powder: The Secret Ingredient for Getting All That Sand off
Ah, yes, the battle of sand and baby powder; it's truly a tale as old as time. Oh, you don't know about it? We'll fill you in: baby powder is sand's mortal enemy. Don't ask us why, but for some unknown reason, baby powder is an incredible sand repellent; it's great for getting off any wet sand scattered across your body. The baby powder absorbs the moisture, rendering the wet sand powerless over you.
So next time you head out to the beach, why not try packing a little bit of baby powder? Trust us; your car will thank you for sparing it all that sand.
A Bigger Cooler for Your Summer Party Is Already in Your Home
Sometimes, we don't need to go out and spend a bunch of money on an accessory; we secretly have a perfect alternative to it already sitting at home. Take washing machines as an example: they make for great storage spaces, especially when you want to keep certain items cool. If you're ever in dire need of a big cooler to store drinks in, just try using your washing machine!

You may just be surprised how effectively your washing machine keeps your drinks all nice and cold. Why not give it a go?
Dry BBQ Meat Is a Thing of the Past
Most of us love grilling. It's something that we look forward to every summer. There's no better way to utilize the nice summer weather than to invite your friends for a cookout. The only problem with such joyous occasions is that there's a lot of performance anxiety when it comes to the actual cooking. Fret not, however, because we have a nice grill tip that'll keep your meat from going all dry.
The next time you find yourself cooking up on your grill, try adding an ice cube on top of your meat. That'll keep it nice and moist and won't stop it from cooking.
A Diaper Is the Secret to a Drip-Proof Icepack
You may already have a way of creating DIY icepacks, and there are many different ways to make them, but this one may just take the cake in terms of convenience. The only thing is that it involves a diaper, but once you can get over that, we promise you'll never look back and think of a different way to wrap your ice ever again. So, why a diaper?

Well, because the diaper will absorb all the melting ice. That way, you don't have to worry about your DIY ice pack dripping all over your immediate surroundings. Trust us on this one.
Get the Horrendous Heat Out of Your Car Quicker Than Ever
There's nothing quite as insufferable as getting into a car that's been parked in the summer sun for a few hours. Seriously, that must be how living inside the sun feels like. Thankfully, there's a little-known trick for getting all that unbearable hot air out of your car and into the great outdoors. To do this, just roll down the passenger window, open the driver's door, and then swing the door rapidly back and forth a few times.
This will create a low-pressure vacuum that will suck out the hot air from the other side. It's a great trick that will save you from those endless minutes of heat torture.
Cinnamon Powder Repels Ants
It's no secret that ants like to invade our space during the summertime. They pop up in our kitchen and all over the outdoors. And while there are plenty of sprays to keep them at bay, you might not want to fill your house with chemicals in order to repel those tiny things. So, we've got a healthier and safer solution: cinnamon powder. Yes, really. This ingredient repels ants!

And the best part is that it's even safe (and easy) to put in places where your children play, such as a sandbox!
Muffin Pans Are the Perfect BBQ Accessory
If you're like us, you probably don't know anything about baking. That's why we'll let you in on a little secret: you know those tins people use to bake muffins or cupcakes? Well, they can be used as makeshift condiment stations. Actually, scratch that; they don't have to be makeshift at all. These things work so well as condiment stations that we can't help but wonder if this was their original purpose.

You know, before the whole concept of baking muffins was even invented. There is just no way that these bad boys work so well by accident. Absolutely no way at all.
Make Your Own Pool With These Unexpected Supplies
If there's one thing that could improve one's lifestyle throughout the summer, it's a pool. Unfortunately, pools are often expensive. But they don't have to be. You could, for instance, make your own pool! Just box together a few folding tables (at least four) to create a square. Then, make sure they're safe and secure by tying some rope to the exterior side. This should hold the base of your pool in place.
Finally, toss a tarp sheet inside your box and fill it with water! There you have it: your DIY pool, fit for a king! Enjoy it.
You Don't Need Chemical-Filled Sprays to Keep Mosquitos Away
Picture this scenario: you're trying your best to get a little bit of well-deserved sleep. It's late at night, and just as you think you're on your way to dreamland, you feel an uncontrollable urge to itch all across your body. It's those mosquitos again! They got you good this time. How is it that they manage to find you when you're in your most vulnerable state? They're so good at what they do.
What can one do to combat this? Well, one could find something that will obscure your scent and repel them away, such as lime and cloves! Mosquitos absolutely hate them!
Easily Peel Your Juicy Mangos With This Trick
It seems as though cutting and peeling fruit is an art form in and of itself. There are just so many ways to do it, and there's so much to learn and so much room to grow in terms of cleanliness and efficiency. The best thing about the sacred art of cutting fruit is that you don't need any fancy gadgets to get good at it. Take this neat mango slicing hack, for example.

Take your mango; slice it straight down the middle in half; then take an empty glass and use the drinking end to dig into the fruit. You should then be able to use it to peel the skin of the mango without a problem.
This Office Supply Will Keep Your Beers in Place
It's a sad fact of life that not everyone will have the pleasure of seeing the great pyramids all the way in Egypt. It's just one of those things that not everyone gets to do. That, however, doesn't mean you won't be able to see the great pyramids of beer bottles in your fridge. "But then the bottles don't stop rolling around!" some might argue. That's true - if you don't know this hack.
Use an office clip like the one pictured above, put it onto the wires of your fridge shelf, and that'll assure your pyramid stays in place. You're welcome.
Frozen Fruit Means Less Water and More Flavor in Your Drinks
This little trick is one way to kill two birds with one stone. Maybe life hacks that encourage more convenient and pragmatic ways to enjoy drinking alcohol aren't the most health-conscious in the world, but they are definitely a lot of fun. So, the next time you find yourself fixing up a drink, try using a bit of frozen fruit instead of your regular-old ice to cool your beverage.

This will keep your drink cold without any ice dissolving into water inside while also giving your drink an extra bit of fruity flavor. What's not to love?
No Grill? No Worries
Whoever thought of this may have been the most desperate griller of all time. Seriously, this guy pretty much invented one of the most effective yet depraved DIY grill alternatives. Have no grill? Fret not. All you have to do is just jack some shopping cart from somewhere and fill it up with burning coals. That's some serious DIY activity right here, and we have to admit that we absolutely love it.

Also, if you're feeling a bit fancy, you could add a grate to cook your meat and vegetables with. Not sure how you could feel fancy while doing this, though.
Stay Cool a While Longer by Putting Clothes in the Freezer
An old, wise saying goes: one must never stick one's clothes where he stores his foods. Now, while we aren't fierce proponents of going against this old nugget of wisdom, we have to say that there may be a slight exception to this rule. That exception would be, naturally, scorching hot summer days. On days where you're just too hot to even exist, we really do suggest storing your clothes in the freezer.

Just make sure to put them in a freezer-safe bag so that they won't get any freezer residue on them, and then enjoy your ice-cold fabrics as you traverse the summer heat.
Armpits Aren't the Only Place You Should Be Putting Deodorant
If there's one thing we tend to ignore as people, it's the odors of other people. That's just part of what living in a society entails. If we were to acknowledge every foul stench we were unfortunate enough to have graze our nostrils, we wouldn't have a moment of peace. Nevertheless, that doesn't mean we should give up on preventing all those bad odors, especially when it comes to feet stench.
That's why you should roll a bit of deodorant on your feet. Trust us, you'll feel much more confident in your skin, and people will silently appreciate your effort.
Stop Relying on Your Neighbors to Keep Your Plants Alive
Let's be real: many of us don't love our neighbors. But the thing about neighbors is that we need them to water our plants when we're out of town. That's the only thing we can do with neighbors other than arguing over inane issues such as property lines and mowed or unmowed grass. Thankfully, you may have just gained the chance to forego any interaction with your neighbors if you go ahead and use this little life hack.
Grab yourself a bottle of water, fill it up with (you guessed it) water, drill a hole in the cap to let the water slowly come out, and then flip the bottle, so the water gets on the plant's dirt. You can rest assured that your plants will be thoroughly watered while you're on vacation.
Create Your Own Hammock in Just Minutes
When we think of hammocks, we tend to think of fancy or expensive gardens. You know the sort - lavish fountains, a fancy wooden porch, elegant bushes, and more. Hammocks, however, shouldn't have to be so pricey. In fact, you could pretty much make your very own hammock using only a few metal poles, a little bit of rope, and some duct tape. Now, doesn't that sound tempting? Yeah, it does.
So what you need to do is to grab those metal poles we just mentioned, make a hammock-esque grid pattern between them with that almighty tool known as duct tape, and then just hang up your new creation with a few pieces of rope.
The Easiest - And Sneakiest - Cocktail Recipe
Look, kid parties can be kind of boring. Life at large can get kind of boring, so why not spice it up a bit? There's nothing like a little bit of summer drinking to get the party going. So, here's how to make your own homemade Capri Sun cocktail: just take a pack of Capri Sun and add an ounce or two (your call, chief) of vodka or rum by puncturing a hole at the bottom of the Capri Sun with a syringe.

Then just cover that hole with duct tape, and you're good to go. You now have a concealed alcoholic beverage you can use to get wasted under the radar.
Upgrade Your Beach or Pool Towel Without Spending a Dime
If you're a frequent beach goer, this tip may be useful to you. A major part of the charm of going to the beach is just how simple the whole thing is; all you need to have fun at the beach is a beach towel and perhaps a pair of swimming trunks. That simplicity, however, is also kind of primitive. That's why this beach towel hack is so cool.
Try sewing together the ends of your beach towel to create neat little pockets. You'll be able to use those pockets to store your things as you chillax in the sun.
Keep Your Phone Safe and Clean Through All Your Summer Adventures
There's only one way to treat your phone when you're at the beach: act as if you're a private noir detective in the midst of solving an unsolvable murder case when you stumble across a piece of pertinent, life-changing evidence. Zip that bad boy up in a Ziploc bag and make sure nothing, not even the beach sand, manages to contaminate it. The best thing is that you can actually use it through the bag.

Yeah, that's the greatness of Ziploc bags and modern smartphones; they mesh so well together for no reason. Who thought your phone's touch screen would work through a Ziploc bag? We got lucky.
The Easiest Way to Start a Campfire Is Not What You Expect
It's camping season, baby!If you're one to go camping when the weather's right, then you probably know the importance of fire-making skills when you're out in the wild. But starting a fire can be hard when you don't have any fire-making tools at your disposal. Thankfully, we know just the trick. Just take a little lint, stuff it inside an empty toilet paper roll, and you'll be able to kindle your fire with little to no problems.

Just make sure that you keep that fire under control. You know what they say about playing with fire.
Make Your Own Ice Cream With Just Two Ingredients
If everyone should have one thing on their bucket list, it's making homemade ice cream. It's just something we believe every person should at least try for themselves, given how fun and rewarding it is. "But, how should I go about making ice cream?" Great question. Don't worry; we've got a sweet banana ice cream recipe just for you. Slice up a few bananas, and toss them into the freezer for a few hours.
Go ahead and take those bad boys out of the freezer, blend them, and watch them morph from regular, frozen bananas into ice cream. Finally, go ahead and mix in a few chocolate chips for good measure.
Pick-Up Trucks Are the Perfect Solution for an Unstable Pool
Kiddie pools are great. There's just no denying that. They were great when we were kids, and they're great now that we're oversized adults splashing each other in a pool way too small for us. There is, however, one undeniable problem with these things: they aren't very stable. They move around a lot, and that can be bothersome at times. But we have a little solution to that predicament. All you need is a pick-up truck.

Just make sure your pool is as big as your pick-up truck, stick it in there, and there you have it: a stable pool! There are even blow-up pools tailor-made for pick-up trucks.
Store Your Ice Pops Vertically
There's much more to eating ice pops than first meets the eye. Seriously, there are a lot of different tips and tricks you could utilize to get the most out of your treats, but we'll stick to one for now: forego any inclination you may have to store your ice pops horizontally. Keeping them horizontal means they'll probably freeze in an awkward, uneatable position. So why not make your life easier?

And it's so simple, too; just make sure you store your ice pops vertically. It will make a big difference with really no effort at all.
Why You Should Put Deodorant on Those Mosquito Bites
We aren't sure who needs to hear this, but deodorant is a must-have for the summer. If you're going through your summers without using deodorant, you should probably rethink your life choices for a few reasons: firstly, think of the people around you! Secondly, that deodorant might save you from unpleasant mosquito trouble. Yeah, deodorant is effective in calming down mosquito bites! Who even knew? We didn't (until now).

So we'll let you in on this well-kept deodorant secret: if you ever get bitten by a mosquito, rub some deodorant on the bite. The aluminum chloride in the deodorant bar will suck up all the harmful moisture and toxins.
Keep Your Summer Salads Chilled
So while we do admit that salads aren't one of the coolest meals out there right now (at least when you compare them to all those crazy burgers people seem to be eating nowadays), that doesn't mean they aren't great for summery days. There's nothing like a cold salad when it's too hot to even think right. But how do you make sure your salad stays cold? After all, there's nothing worse than a hot salad.
So this is our little trick: take a shower cap and stuff it with some ice. Then, take your salad bow and put it inside the shower cap, making sure that the cap's elastic band is holding the bowl in its place.
It's About Time People Got Themselves a Corn Brush
Okay, it seems as though society isn't mature enough to address the world's most urgent matters, so we're going to have to talk about one of them: what's the deal with corn hairs? Seriously, why does corn have hair? Now, if you're like us, and the idea of corn having hair disgusts you, you should probably go ahead and get yourself a corn brush. Yeah, you heard us right, a corn brush.
What's a corn brush, you ask? Great question. It's a toothbrush that you use to brush off those pesky corn hairs. Preferably a soft one so you don't puncture your precious, delicate corn cob.